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light language session

A Light Language Session is a private multidimensional offering for those seeking support, guidance, and transformation. With masses awakening, it is an unprecedented time in our history. As the planet has shifted into higher levels of Consciousness. Many are struggling
due to the old constructs of lower vibrational consciousness that simply do not apply anymore.
As our consciousness and DNA is evolving, we are moving from a carbon-based form to one that is Crystalline based. This is accompanied by challenges to our emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual aspects. Which often comes in the form of misunderstood perceptions and symptoms. Leaving the individual seeking clarity of what they are experiencing. Physical pain may represent new Light codes intergrating in the body. Anxiety may represent higher levels of consciousness. Sensitivity may mean your tuning in empathically. Visions may represent your pineal gland being activated, these are just a few examples.
Our bodies may also hold, but are not limited to distortions, lower vibrational consciousness, and outdated programming,  Which make their appearance as negative aspects.  Such  as feelings of   being  stuck,  anger,  anxiousness,  confusion, fear,  guilt, shame,  worry,  lack/limitations, or resistance.
As a facilitator working with Source, the Ascended Masters, and Cosmic Beings we view each Light Being from a molecular level. Ascessing all there is within Divine consciousness. We see where you are in your lifestream, and what assistance is needed at the Soul Level. Accessing  your Divine Blueprint and DNA, distortions are shifted,  enabling your vibration and Consciousness to rise. New Light Codes are received and assimilated. As well  reawakening, reactivating, and elevating  dormant codes.
As  Divine  fractals  of  Source we  have  chosen to  come to earth in order  to raise  the   levels  of Consciousness. Presenting an opportunity for us to become intergrated and whole during this current incarnation. Once we enter into this realm  we forget who we truly are.  So many feel alone, separated, and disconnected. A Light Language session provides clarity, guidance, and  multidimensional healing, 
The Divine Beings lovingly share their guidance so you may view your life situations from a higher perspective. Light skills, and techniques are provided to assist you on your path. Sessions are experiential and resonate at the Soul Level, Lighting and Leveling you up. Offering Transformation where it is needed. This is accomplished through utilizing Divine Templates, Tablets, Keys, Frequencies, and Light Codes. Igniting your  Soul's unique passion and purpose. When guided we view your Golden Book of Life, Past Lives, Loved Ones, and origins of your Star families. In order to reveal insights about yourself and those around you. To provide comfort, healing, and wisdom, that you are worthy and you are Loved beyond measure. If your at a crossroads, feeling isolated or seeking answers, the Divine and I are  here to support you and are at your  Service.








Light Language Session

One hour


 One hour Session
via Zoom (recorded) or by phone EST.

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